This year has truly been a rollercoaster. The world has been swept up in a mass of panic and news outlets are constantly covering a crisis; letting us know each little detail and what everyone thinks of it.
Because of this, the news hasn’t really been covering other things- a small sample of which I’ve included below. Some of these things are massive achievements, others are just good to hear and will be a break from the awfulness of a global pandemic that has had us stuck inside and adapting.
So here are five cool things that happened this year that you may not have heard about due to Covid-19.
#1 Africa is free of Polio!
How great is that? It was declared on the 25th of August that, as of 2016, there had been no recorded cases of polio in the whole continent of Africa. Although there are still cases of different types of virus, it’s a step in the right direction towards a better future.
#2 Drive-in Cinemas are back!
Drive-in cinemas are back! Due to Covid-19 restrictions, cinemas have really struggled, but the retro drive-in cinema uses are on the rise. Hopefully, the use of these will continue and becomes a favorite amongst the younger generations, as it is a fun and unique experience we were very close to losing.
#3 Maserati launched a new Supercar!
Maserati added to their illustrious pedigree by Introducing the Maserati MC20 Supercar. Their last release of the MC series was marking the end of their 37-year break from the racing front, the MC12. Its release was postponed to September due to covid-19, but has since been launched, making so many Maserati fans happy!
#4 Pet fostering and animal adoption on the rise!
Fostering pets is on the rise. All over the world animal shelters were emptied back in March and April as people went into a frenzy to help those who had been abandoned and abused in our community, giving them a place to stay during the first lockdown as euthanization fears grew. Animal adoption rates are already high, but this humanitarian act is truly breathtaking. As an avid animal lover, hearing this news definitely put a grin on my face.
#5 Another win for science
A healthy baby was born from an embryo that was frozen 27 years ago. Science is doing marvelous things across the board, but this one is just breathtaking. Molly Everette Gibson came into the world on the 26th of October 2020 in Tennessee, America. Her older sister, Emma Wren Gibson, born in 2017, was also a frozen embryo for just over 24 years. The two are blood sisters and were frozen together.
So there are five good things you may have missed due to the Covid-19 crisis. We hope this trail of good things continues to grow, and lead us into 2021 with high hopes. It’s a step in the right direction, and it’s a push towards a better and brighter future!
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