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How to Increase the Value of Your Property

Modernizing Your House

Perhaps you are looking to upsize to a larger home in the next few months or years. Alternatively, maybe you are searching for relatively inexpensive ways to increase the overall value of your property before you downsize to a smaller one and embark upon a round-the-world trip of a lifetime.

Regardless of your personal motivations, here is how to increase the value of your property. 

Convert the Basement

Firstly, if you are fortunate enough to have a large and spacious basement attached to the bottom of your property deeds, then it is time to move out the boxes of Christmas decorations and spend time and money converting the space. 

Far from being an absolute nightmare from start to finish, a basement conversion is actually relatively simple, as it involves little to no disruption to the rest of the home. In addition, as long as you are not planning on converting the basement of a listed or protected building, you are fully within your rights to convert the area without seeking planning permission. 

Redecorate the Bathroom

Naturally, any and all potential buyers of your property are going to be looking into every detail they possibly can before deciding whether your home could be the right next move for them. 

However, as important as it is to focus on the smaller details, in terms of increasing the overall value of your property, expert bathroom fitters Bedfordshire will not only talk you through the various options when it comes to bathroom renovation but also answer any queries you may have along the way. 

Extend the Kitchen

Potential buyers are going to be looking at the sizes of each of the key rooms within your property, and if your kitchen is currently somewhat on the small and intimate side, then you might consider a side-return extension.

Essentially, a side-return kitchen extension will result in the construction of a narrow alleyway to run directly adjacent to the kitchen of a semi-detached or terraced house and can boost the value of your property tenfold. 

Garden & Curb Appeal

You will already be supremely aware of the huge importance of curb appeal, and just in the same way as first impressions count when meeting a new work colleague, so too do the first impressions potential buyers have of your home for sale. 

Make sure that the garden gate is secure and in good condition, the perimeter of the garden at both the front and rear of the house is clearly marked, your front door has a fresh coat of paint, and your post-box is clean and shiny. 

Add an Ensuite

Finally, these days especially, the property is always going to be looked upon considerably more favorably if at least one of the bedrooms has an attached ensuite bathroom

An ensuite bathroom is a fantastic way of adding value to your property and attracting a larger group of potential new homeowners. Furthermore, it can increase property value by thousands.