If you have launched a marketing campaign, you need to create a marketing report to see how that campaign is working. If you do not do this, you might be spending money on something that is not capturing any new customers or perhaps is not even being seen by the right people. With a good report in place, you can determine whether your budget is being spent wisely, how much of a return on your investment you are getting, and even whether it is time to retire that particular campaign and create a new one that will work better or offer a fresh approach.
Yet creating a marketing report is not something that a lot of people look forward to doing. Collating the data and interpreting it takes time, and even though it is a crucial element of running a successful business, it is still hard work. Good executive resume samples can provide a piece of detailed information that you can use to show your interviewer. Read on to find out how you can more easily pull a marketing report together that will give you all the information you need and help you move forward in your business.
When To Report
The first thing you will need to do when you want to pull together a report for your marketing strategies is to determine when you want to make that report. Should it be annually? Monthly? Weekly? What time frame are you most interested in seeing, and what is going to help you move forward the most?
A monthly marketing report is often the best choice. It will give you a clear snapshot of how your marketing campaigns are working with enough time between reports to show whether you are on an upward or downward trend, but it also means that there is less work involved than if you tried to create a weekly report which would have no more valuable information but would take up a lot of time when you could be doing other things.
Leaving your reporting any longer than a month means you will not get the answers you need in time to make the appropriate changes to your strategy, and because of this you could lose a lot of potential sales and waste a lot of money.
Website Analytics
For most businesses, a marketing report is going to need to include – and perhaps even be focused on – website analytics. Certainly, if you run an eCommerce store or your website is the only way that customers can find you (in other words, you do not have a physical presence anywhere), it is going to be vital to find out how many people are visiting your site, who they are, and what they are doing when they get there.
Having this information and including it in your report is a great way to find out just what effect your marketing campaign is having on your website traffic. By using online analytics programs, you can see the number of visitors your site has each day if you want to. You can see what pages they went to, even where they have clicked through from. You can see how long they stay on your site.
This information is vital since it will give you an exact picture of how well your marketing campaign is performing.
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